The London 2012 food legacy : update / International Olympic Committee

Comité international olympique

Edited by IOC. Lausanne - 2015

One of the most successful, and yet lesser-known impacts of the London 2012 Games is the success of its sustainable food vision. It’s been more than three years since the London 2012 Olympic flag passed from London to Rio, but the English capital’s Olympic food legacy lives on in many different ways. Inspired by the London 2012 Olympic Games, three ground-breaking projects have created a powerful legacy for sustainable food in London and across the UK: 1. Food Legacy 2012: A UK-wide project that has seen leading caterers and other organisations adopt London 2012’s sustainable food standards. These organisations, such as the Metropolitan Police and Transport for London, serve in excess of 200 million meals per year. 2. Sustainable Fish Cities: An Olympic initiative, encouraging the UK catering industry, businesses, government and others to pledge their commitment to serving sustainable fish. To date, 400,000 UK government employees now eat only sustainably caught fish, and the value of fish per year the UK government has committed to buy from sustainable sources is £17 million. 3. Capital Growth: A Games-inspired project that surpassed its goal of establishing 2,012 new community food growing spaces in London by 2012. This case study, compiled in 2015 by the IOC provides a good overview of the positive impacts of the legacy of these Games.

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