The 2016 Rio Olympic Games : 9-15 / Miranda Larrosa

Larrosa, Miranda | Musée olympique (Lausanne)

Edited by The Olympic Museum. Lausanne - 2016

The Modern Olympic Games have existed since 1896. Based on shared values and rituals which are repeated at all the Games, each edition nonetheless has its own identity, thanks to the culture of the host country and the context in which the Games take place. It is therefore possible, by working on one edition of the Games, to look at how differences are expressed within a universal event like the Olympic Games. The activity and information sheets for children from 9 to 15 focus on how the specific characteristics of the Rio 2016 edition are expressed, the evolution of the Olympic programme, with two new sports in Rio and the importance placed on legacy aspects in the process of bidding to host the Olympic Games today. These documents allow children to learn more about the Rio 2016 Games in a fun way.

Vol. 1 : Activity sheet - Vol. 2 : Information sheet.

Other documents in the collection "TOM schools"


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