Women and sport in Latin America / ed. by Rosa Lopez De D'Amico... [et al.]

López de D'Amico, Rosa

Edited by Routledge. London - 2016

This multidisciplinary book draws on sociology, cultural studies, anthropology and history, to explore the diversity, challenges and achievements of Latin American women in sport. It offers an in-depth analysis of women’s sport in ten countries across Latin America, insights into the sport activities of indigenous peoples, and the contributions of Latin American women to sport living outside of the region. The book also provides a comprehensive overview of international developments in gender and sport research, policy development and theory, and addresses sport participation at many levels including in school-based physical education, community and high performance contexts.

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Los Juegos olímpicos explicados / Vassil Girginov, Jim Parry, Rosa López de D'Amico

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Selection : Zoom Women and Sport

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