El ecosistema olímpico en Facebook durante los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016 : actores, contenidos y participación de los usuarios / José Manuel Pardo Gila

Gila, José Manuel Pardo

Edited by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona - 2017

This dissertation analyses the activity generated by the main Olympic actors and users' participation on Facebook during Rio 2016, through techniques and computational procedures based on big data. From the content analysis of 38,037 publications disseminated by sports organizations such as the International Olympic Committee, National Olympic Committees and International Federations, among others, this work reveals the particularities of Facebook as the engagement in relation to format, nature and typology of contents. The reconstruction of the dominant stories, based on the participation of the various publics, allowed inquiry into the ‘glocalisation’ of the Olympic Movement via the most popular social networking site in the world, and to discover if Facebook has capacity to create realities independently of the traditional mass media during a global event such as the Olympic Games. The methods developed are complemented by interviews with professionals from social media and the Olympic Movement.


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