Sustainability and legacy / ed. by Geert Hendriks, Keith Gilbert, Claude Stricker

Hendriks, Geert | Keith, Gilbert | Stricker, Claude

Edited by AISTS (International Academy of Sports science and Technology). Lausanne - 2015

Sustainability and legacy are presently two of the major challenges for the sports event industry. In the past two decades, governing bodies, event organisers, cities, companies and professional sports leagues have all been reflecting on how best to embed these challenges into the organisation of sports events. This book from the AISTS (International Academy of Sports Science and Technology) is the second in the series ‘Collected Insights from the Field of Sports’. It concentrates on the two aforementioned challenges of sustainability and legacy in sport. The chapters in this book are derived from research papers that have been produced by the participants and visiting professors of the AISTS postgraduate programme, the AISTS MSA (Master of Advanced Studies in Sports Administration and Technology). Being grounded in research, the book aims to correct the imbalance between the sustainability and legacy theories and practices in the world of sport. Our intention is that its outcomes can be utilised by academics, sports administrators, sports teams, students and the public to engage in the discussion on sports sustainability and legacy.

Other documents in the collection "Collected insights from the field of sport"


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