Fair play : the ethics of sport / Robert L. Simon, Cesar R. Torres, Peter F. Hager

Simon, Robert L | Torres, Cesar R | Hager, Peter F

Edited by Westview Press. Boulder, CO - 2014

The updated edition of "Fair play: the ethics of sport" explores the ethical presuppositions of competitive athletics and their connection both to ethical theory and to concrete moral dilemmas that arise in actual athletic competition. The addition of two new authors for this edition, Cesar R. Torres and Peter F. Hager, bring to the book a discussion of the moral issues involved in youth sports and the ethics of being a fan as well as a fresh perspective on developing the theories of broad internalism and the quest for excellence. Furthermore, major criticisms of broad internalism by philosophers William J. Morgan and Scott Kretchmar add a new dimension to the discussion on the moral foundations of winning.

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