Olympic agenda 2020 : midway report / International Olympic Committee

Comité international olympique

Edited by International Olympic Committee. Lausanne - 2017

The implementation of the 40 recommendations of Olympic Agenda 2020, the IOC’s strategic roadmap for the future of the Olympic Movement, began in 2015, almost immediately after its unanimous approval at the 127th IOC Session in December 2014. This document, developed in keeping with Olympic Agenda 2020’s call for increased transparency and accountability, is a status report on the implementation since its adoption. It details action taken and action planned before 2020 to fully implement all the recommendations. The trajectory of progress is well established. As of 1 September 2017, the IOC had taken action on all 40 recommendations and more than half are implemented or close to completion. These accomplishments have been possible thanks to the active participation of all constituents, stakeholders and partners of the Olympic Movement, including the United Nations and a number of NGOs that support the mission and values of the Movement.


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